






About me (自己紹介をします!)





I began my profession in dental hygiene from working part-time for my grandfather in Japan and continued to work in the United States. A big difference between dental clinics in Japan and the United States is that as a Registered Dental Hygienist in the U.S. you can choose to work with as little as one to multiple clinics under available hours of your choosing. Of course, there are people who work in the same place, but the former is more common. Maybe it’s because of the country, but many people also value their private life (time with family, relatives, and loved ones), so being able to manage my work time to fit my personal life suits me very well. As performance increases for staff such as receptionist, assistant, hygienist, hygiene manager, etc., so does their evaluation which can lead to better compensation by their employer. In my case, I try to improve my work in the tasks I am entrusted with from preparing  facilities before patients and doctors arrive, patient teeth cleaning, and summarizing patient conversation (problems and dental worries) in a notebook to later explain to the attending doctor swiftly. It goes without saying that communication with the doctor is key to any functioning clinic, and so it becomes imperative to develop the ability to foresee doctor needs before being told through honed observational and listening skills. It is still difficult to sense what doctors want me to do before being told to, but I am working hard every day to study the habits and clinical practices of this field.

On a different note, I am a Travel Hygienist (a hygienist who can choose where to work), so my network with hygienists and doctors has expanded and it’s a lot of fun. In the US, there is a special website for doctors to post reviews (both good and bad) of hygienists they have worked with. The other day, a doctor posted their own highest rated review about me and my work with them, and I was overwhelmed.

In dental care, where people of many different backgrounds come to receive treatment, some may find the English challenging. The other day, I was reviewing patient records of an upcoming appointment and noticed their name was reminiscent of that of Japanese background. This patient in particular was trying very hard to explain things in English but was having difficulty, so I said, “It’s okay if you speak to me in Japanese.” to which the patient was elated that they could better communicate in their primary language. In that moment, I felt thankful that I was able to provide a better service to this person and motivated to continue sharing my ability to help others achieve their best dental health!



話は変わりますが、、、私はTravel Hygienist(働く場所を選べる衛生士)なので、たくさんの衛生士さんやドクターとのネットワークがあリます。アメリカではドクター同士の特別なサイトがあり今まで一緒に働いた衛生士さんの評価など(いい物も悪いものも)投稿されます。先日、私の最高評価を名前を書いて投稿してくださったドクターがいてくださり感無量になりました。



え?本当に?助かりました。うれしぃ〜 ”と言われました。






This is the scenery I am met with on my way
to work at the start of December:
A festive decoration of a supersized
Santa Claus making his way out of a chimney.  
I was so surprised myself
that I myself had to stop my car to take a picture. 
I’m sorry that its not angled from the front,
I believe it captures
the essence of the moment perfectly. 

As they say,

everything is BIG

in the U.S. of A!!!

  (* P.S. – ”U.S.of A” とは”U.S.A.”のことです)











